
Yesterday was a half day, I got home before 1pm and was home all day except for about an hour or so at the mall with Camille. When I got into bed last night, I realized I forgot to write. With all that time too…Oh well.

Anyway, yesterday. I took a History test, did my Science HW in Perm with the help of some girls from my class, and was the assistant in English. I corrected the papers, but my corrections wouldn’t save, so now I have to re-do it all. It’s not like it all that hard though.

OK, time to go to school, more tonight!



I started school an hour later today and finished an hour early. This morning, I realized I forgot something in my room, so I walked home to get it and then walked back to school with time to doodle in my notebook. After lunch, I had about an hour or so, so I talked with Viva, Kyllian, Elly, and some other people. We played games in both French and English and it was fun! I was in the office trying to get something and the director of the school came out of his office and starting to me. I had a little conversation, in French, with him. He said my French was good and I didn’t hesitate when I talked.

After I finished my last class, I walk to a bakery with Elly and we got bread!! I got a baguette and ate it on the way home.

That’s pretty much it for today. Laterz!


I Love Candles!!

Ce matin, je turned in un papier et il était un peu wrinkled. Mon prof m’a demandé what happened to it, then il m’a dit que je devrais l’avoir ironed it avant turing it in. Obviously, une blague, mais pas une bonne idée.

Aujourd’hui est le premier jour de la danse dans P.E. Je suis le seul dans mon groupe qui has ever dansé. Cela devrait être bon…

Alors, la cérémonie de la bougie vraiment fait pour moi. Je feel à 100% mieux! J’AIME bougies!

Je walked seul à la maison aujourd’hui, parce que Camille a finidhed l’école avant moi, and then had gymnastique. Quand je suis rentré, j’étais le seul ici. J’ai fait ce que j’avais à faire et je suis prêt pour le dîner et le lit.

C’est un rap!


Advanced Planning

Je suis une de ces personnes qui plan à l’avance. Certaines choses sont planned longtemps à l’avance et d’autres quelques jours à l’avance. Par exemple, hier, j’avais planned d’aller chez Viva le vendredi pour Thanksgiving. J’ai aussi planned d’aller voir Breaking Dawn Part 2 avec un groupe de mes amis samedi prochain. Les choses que je plan longtemps à l’avance sont plus intenses.

Alors, j’ai acheté une boîte de mouchoirs hier. Je sais que vous pensez probablement, “pourquoi?” Well, la boîte a des cerises sur elle et j’ai to get it! Il a cette slit sur le side où vous pouvez mettre une photo. Meaning, je garde la boîte.

Demain est le premier jour de la nouvelle semester et j’ai danse pour P.E. et je suis SUPER excité!

C’est tout pour ce soir. Bonne Nuit!


“This Little Girl is Capable of Murder, ‘Cause You Hurt Her”

This morning, Camille and I went to school for this “post Bac” thing. I went to a room for languages/Arts and one for a social thing. After it was over, I waited for Camille in front of the school. After a little bit of waiting, I figured she went home, so I did. I walked all the way to the house, didn’t think anyone was there, walked to the bus stop to see if Viva was there, then heard that Camille was waiting for me at school. So I walked back to school and hoped the fence to find that she wasn’t there anymore. I walked back home and saw Camille and her mom driving. They stopped and I got in the car. I really need a working phone!!

So after that, Viva came over and we went to get pizza with Camille. I finally get to say I ate a whole pizza by myself, including the crust!!! After that, we came back to the house and Viva and I watched half of a movie and then we all went to Rennes for shopping. Camille’s Aunt, Uncle, and cousins are here for the night so we all went. I went with my host parents to take Viva home and then we came back to the house for dinner. It is now 10:18pm and we recently finished eating. We started eating somewhere around 8-9.  That’s a long meal!

Anyway, ttyl!



Sorry for the English, but it’s late and I wanted to post this tonight.

Today was no different then yesterday, but thankfully it’s the weekend. I’m here to learn, so that’s what I’m mostly focused on now. I’m doing work in class and at home. Not having certain things on my mind will be good for a while.

I went to the math class today with Viva, Elly, and Pierce. It was fun because we are doing “simple” equations and we get told “No English!” which is good, but doesn’t always keep us quiet.

I still had free time after lunch, so I hung out with Viva and Kyllian. We laughed a lot! I have only made a few friends here, but they are one’s I will always remember!

Tomorrow, I am going to hang out with Viva and maybe Elly. We are going to have a little celebration for me, so I’m excited!

Well, that’s all for tonight. TTYL!



I’ve decided I’m going to only post certain things here, not everything. I’ve gotten some grief about some stuff I write and I’m finished with it.

So I was really upset and annoyed yesterday and that’s why I didn’t write. I didn’t want to say anything I would later regret.

Anyway, I straightened my hair on Wednesday after school and I got SO many comments on it! I didn’t realize it was that long either!

I noticed something yesterday that almost made me re-think my earlier thinking, but after a while I thought, NO!

That’s the main things that happened yesterday. Now to finish getting ready for today.


Nothing major

Ce matin, en perm, j’ai aidé ces deux jeunes filles avec l’anglais. En classe d’anglais, nous avons been separated en deux groupes, les journalistes et les athlètes. Je sat avec les journalistes, parce que j’avais des questions et des réponses écrites et le prof said je could sit wherever. As je l’ai écouté la conversation d’autres, c’était from d’un journaliste et d’un athlète, je ne pouvais help but rire. Non seulement les accents, mais l’anglais et les mots qu’ils ont dit. Certaines things elles était en fait drôle, d’autres choses c’était juste drôle pour moi. Quand everyone a terminé, le prof a demandé qui voulait parler again…cette fois avec moi. There were some cris de qui il should be, mais Léo got up. Il était l’athlète et j’étais le journaliste. C’était amusant!

C’était la chose la plus intéressante qui s’est passé aujourd’hui.

A few minutes ago, je walked to le magasin pour obtenir certaines choses. J’aime the fact that je peux faire ça!

Bon, rien de plus.


Over it!

This blog has nothing to do with the title, but it’s a fact.

Ce matin, j’ai quitté la maison à 8h20. Nous sommes arrivés à l’école à 8h24 et des classes a commencé à 8h30. C’est un record!!

J’ai fait un test de maths d’aujourd’hui. Je n’ai pas finish, parce que c’était un peu dur, mais quand le prof took it, dit-il, “just for fun.” Parce que je prends des tests de mathes pour fun…

En Français, le prof m’a dit d’aller au CDI pour rechercher la traduction de quelque chose. Je was supposed être there pour 20 minutes, mais it turned en une heure. OOPS!

Demain est une demi-journée et je suis très heureux!

Ok, ttyl!


Back to school…

Ce matin je me suis réveillé à 7h, 30 minutes de plus de sleep!! Je got driven à l’école avec Camille et rencontré Viva. Rien d’important happened aujourd’hui, donc je vais skip au P.E. Aujourd’hui était le dernier jour de ping-pong. Je pensais ping-pong was fini, donc j’étais prêt pour la danse. Turns out, la danse commence la semaine prochaine.

Après l’école, je suis rentré à pied. J’étais seul à la maison et j’avais besoin de crier … donc je did. Dans mon pillow. J’ai aussi écouté de la musique that has to do avec ma vie en ce moment.

Ok, fini avec cette entrée. Vous parler plus tard!
