Theatrical Thursday

Ce matin, je suis arrivé à l’école à l’heure normal, 8h20. Quand la bella rang, je ne pouvais pas trouver ma classe. Je me promenais dans la recherche et finally went to the office. J’était told que la prof n’était pas là aujourd’hui. J’étais à Perm pendant 2 heures. Je could have dormir plus!

Je me suis sat seul en français aujourd’hui. It use être ce que je ne pouvais pas rester seul, je suppose que personne don’t care anymore. J’ai pris des notes sans aide, et have to just écouter parce que je n’ai pas bring mon livre.

J’ai déjeuné earlier aujourd’hui parce que ma classe est allée en excursion. Only, je n’ai pas aller avec. I was told que ce it could be mieux si je restais à l’école because je wouldn’t comprendre. So j’ai fait. Je suis allé à maths instead.

Je suis maintenant en TPE. Mon groupe est still sur l’excursion, so je n’ai pas de travail à faire.

Ok, more later!


Wonderland Wednesday

Thankfully, c’était une demi-journée aujourd’hui! J’ai have been à la maison depuis 12h30 cet après-midi. J’ai regardé Alice in Wonderland et have been l’écoute de la musique. J’ai fait mes ongles, French Tip. Les mercredis sont usually ma journée de relaxing.

J’ai aussi fait leurs devoirs, français et anglais.

Depuis rien really passé aujourd’hui, je vais sign off.


Totally Tuesday

Literally forgot to write last night. It was open and ready, but then I got doing something else. Tonight’s blog will be in French for sure!!!

Yesterday, regular Tuesday. I woke up at 8am and left the house at 9am. I got croissants and walked to school. The good thing about Tuesdays is that I can sleep in and leave school early. Both of which I did yesterday.

I had about 2 hours of free time after lunch, so I talked to Viva and Pierce. We always talk, but I can never remember what we talk about.

Anyway, that was Tuesday. Tonight I will write in French! More Later.


Funday Monday

I’ve been told my French is getting better, that makes me happy!

I started my day off with 3 hours of French. YAY!!!

I had dance today also. This time we actually did stuff. Sadly, I did something I shouldn’t have done. I attempted doing the splits, not fully stretched out first. I’m pretty sure something cracked in my leg because it now hurts REALLY bad! Oh well…live and learn. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow.

I start school at 9:25 tomorrow morning so I get to sleep in!! I’m also getting croissants!!! Gotta love starting class late.

Ok, that’s all for tonight.



On Friday, not much happened. I read a magazine in English and there were words that were translated into French, so I learned more words. I also went to Math with Viva, Elly, and Pierce. It was really funny!

On Saturday, I went to a lunch with Camille and my host dad. We meet up with a bunch of their family members because it was an anniversary/birthday lunch. I met some nice people and are for 5 hours. It was really fun. After that, at about 8pm, I was dropped off at Viva’s for a sleepover. We watched movies, Forgetting Sara Marshall and a little bit of Hunger Games, then went to bed at about 1am.

This morning, Viva and I woke up, ate croissants, and then went on a walk. We walked to Kyllian’s house and sat in his room until he was ready to go. Then we went back to Viva’s house, then went walking some more. We watched American Pie 2 and then went to get burgers! All in all, it was a good weekend!!

Time to get ready for tomorrow.



Rien de majeur happened aujourd’hui. J’ai got back mon examen d’histoire ce matin, pas de grade. Je pense que c’est une bonne chose considering what it would have been. Après le déjeuner, j’ai passé une heure à parler avec Pierce. Après cette heure, et ne pas hearing the bell, j’ai réalisé que j’étais en retard pour les maths. Quand je suis entré dans la classe, tous les yeux sur moi. WHOOPS!

Anyway, je suis now planning d’aller chez Viva samedi soir. I hope que nous pourrons extende Thanksgiving et faire la sauce aux cranberries et une tarte à la citrouille.

So, I told someone in my class that it’s Thanksgiving today. They looked at the rest of the class and said, “Bonne Thanksgiving!!” I feel good now!

Back to work!



Yesterday was a half day, I got home before 1pm and was home all day except for about an hour or so at the mall with Camille. When I got into bed last night, I realized I forgot to write. With all that time too…Oh well.

Anyway, yesterday. I took a History test, did my Science HW in Perm with the help of some girls from my class, and was the assistant in English. I corrected the papers, but my corrections wouldn’t save, so now I have to re-do it all. It’s not like it all that hard though.

OK, time to go to school, more tonight!



I started school an hour later today and finished an hour early. This morning, I realized I forgot something in my room, so I walked home to get it and then walked back to school with time to doodle in my notebook. After lunch, I had about an hour or so, so I talked with Viva, Kyllian, Elly, and some other people. We played games in both French and English and it was fun! I was in the office trying to get something and the director of the school came out of his office and starting to me. I had a little conversation, in French, with him. He said my French was good and I didn’t hesitate when I talked.

After I finished my last class, I walk to a bakery with Elly and we got bread!! I got a baguette and ate it on the way home.

That’s pretty much it for today. Laterz!


I Love Candles!!

Ce matin, je turned in un papier et il était un peu wrinkled. Mon prof m’a demandé what happened to it, then il m’a dit que je devrais l’avoir ironed it avant turing it in. Obviously, une blague, mais pas une bonne idée.

Aujourd’hui est le premier jour de la danse dans P.E. Je suis le seul dans mon groupe qui has ever dansé. Cela devrait être bon…

Alors, la cérémonie de la bougie vraiment fait pour moi. Je feel à 100% mieux! J’AIME bougies!

Je walked seul à la maison aujourd’hui, parce que Camille a finidhed l’école avant moi, and then had gymnastique. Quand je suis rentré, j’étais le seul ici. J’ai fait ce que j’avais à faire et je suis prêt pour le dîner et le lit.

C’est un rap!


Advanced Planning

Je suis une de ces personnes qui plan à l’avance. Certaines choses sont planned longtemps à l’avance et d’autres quelques jours à l’avance. Par exemple, hier, j’avais planned d’aller chez Viva le vendredi pour Thanksgiving. J’ai aussi planned d’aller voir Breaking Dawn Part 2 avec un groupe de mes amis samedi prochain. Les choses que je plan longtemps à l’avance sont plus intenses.

Alors, j’ai acheté une boîte de mouchoirs hier. Je sais que vous pensez probablement, “pourquoi?” Well, la boîte a des cerises sur elle et j’ai to get it! Il a cette slit sur le side où vous pouvez mettre une photo. Meaning, je garde la boîte.

Demain est le premier jour de la nouvelle semester et j’ai danse pour P.E. et je suis SUPER excité!

C’est tout pour ce soir. Bonne Nuit!
