
Last Thursday was my final exam for my Technical Support class; it was a two-part exam. The first part was the online “written” test which was multiple choice and the other half was a skills-based part which was taking apart a computer, putting it back together, and making sure it turned on properly.

A few weeks before the final exam, the teacher said he didn’t think anyone would get above 50% on the whole exam so he would double the scores up to 100%. I took that as a challenge and studied my butt off for hours and hours every day. Since the exam was taken exactly from the online practice tests I was studying, I knew all the right answers and I was determined to prove my smarts.

Going into the exam I was slightly nervous, but I believed in myself and I knew other people did too. It took me about 28 minutes (out of 75 minutes) to complete the exam and triple check my answers.

Once the test was submitted, the grades automatically appeared. When I saw my grade I was so excited and proud of myself, I got an 84% without the extra boost. (I blame my testing anxiety for not getting 100% in the first place but 84% is still good)
After everyone was finished with the online test we all began the skills-based part. I got 100% on that!

Fast forward a few days when all the scores were added up, I GOT A 100% IN THE WHOLE CLASS!

I knew I could do it and I am so proud of myself! I now have to schedule my actual A+ exam so I can get the real certificate and move on to a “big kid” job.
