Thank Goodness It’s Friday!!! Or should je dire, Dieu Merci, C’est Vendredi!!!

First I am going to start off with somethings that happened earlier this week. The stuff from today will be in French. So on Monday, in English class, each of the students got up in front of the class and said somethings about someone else. The people listening had to guess who the person was talking about. Everyone was getting 7-9 and then I went. The teacher was saying the grades outloud and when he got to mine, he looked up and said, in his cute British accent, “Tara, dix.” Oh yeah, 10/10!!

Yesterday, Viva didn’t have class the first hour so she went to the bakery across the street and brought back croissants. So along with out lunches, we also had really good croissants! Who else can do that??

Aujourd’hui, je suis allé à Français et apres, je had about deux hours of free time. Viva et moi sommes allés au CDI (library). Nous were told we had to work or read while nous were in there. Nous were going to pass notes, mais that didn’t work out. Je got a magazine et Viva had un stylo et du papier. The head lady told Viva elle had to écrire à une table. Nous nous sommes levés et walked à une table. The lady then told moi je had à lire sur les autres chaises. Viva went to une table et je stayed at the autre chaises. Apres a few minutes, j’ai marché à la table et Viva gave moi une feuille de papier. We “worked” until the bell rang, then we left the CDI.

About le garçons. (I’m using nicknames) Semore est TRÉS mignon. Je figured the best place to crack mon dos est sur le bus. Not only parce que it is easy et more comfortable, mais je peux regarder at him.

Anyway, apres l’école, Viva et moi avons marché à le busses. Demain matin, Marine est driving moi à Viva’s for une soirée pyjama. YAY!!!

Dîner time, à tout à l’heure!!
