Je suis ici!

At ma host family’s maison, making home-made crêpes avec Marine and Olivier. Écouter their conversations et trying to comprehend. J’ai my school books et je suis excited!

Je suis arrivé aujourd’hui at 6am et took le train from Paris to Rennes. My host mother, host sister, Marine, and Marine’s boyfriend, Olivier, met me at the airport and took me to la maison. A la maison, I had some yogurt and then listened to the conversation they were having en Français.

Marine’s mother had already bought mes livres pour l’école. L’école is called St. Joseph and Marine and Olivier took me to go see it and to see where the bus stop is so I can take le bus à l’école. Apres we saw the school, Marine asked me if I wanted to go see the horses. Smiling avec excitment, I said “oui.” We drove to where the horses are and Marine and I went to go pet her horses, Axel et Keat, while Olivier went to run an errand. When he came back, he gave me a leg-up and I rode one of the horses around the field area. When it was time to leave, I hoped off the horse et we headed back to la maison.

Now, I am writing my blog, Marine is making crêpes, and Olivier is eating a crêpe. I am really happy to be here, even though I don’t understand most of what I hear. I know it will all get better and I can’t wait until I can read, write, and talk like them!

More later,
