All posts by taraschnitzer

I am Tara Schnitzer and this blog is about my life. ENJOY!!

Road trip (in Anglais)

Today I went on a little 1.5 hour road trip to Vannes with my host parents. We met my host mothers granddaughter, Jeanne, there and walked around for a few hours after our picnic of rice salad, bread, crepes, and juice. Jeanne pointed out the fashionable shops and told me the best ones for the best prices. After our exploration, we were going to drive Jeanne back to her house in Vannes, then drive back to Laille, where we live. When we were all in the car and ready to go something happened…the battery was dead, the car wouldn’t start. We walked around some more to see if time would help. It did for a few minutes, but after about 20 min we had to call a tow-truck. The tow-truck came and took the car and my host father called a taxi. In the meantime, Jeanne started walking home. It is a 30 min walk so she got a head start. After about 30 min, the taxi came. I watched the meter and every 2 seconds the price went up by 10 cents. By 7pm it was 82.60€. We got in the taxi at 6:40ish. It was 100€ at 7:03. By the time we got home, it was 267.10€. Wow!! Thats $341.25! Now I know, never take a taxi in France.

More later,


Field Trip

Aujourd’hui je suis allé à le Parliament of Brittany in Rennes avec ma Français class. Ma ami Alix picked moi up from ma maison (her mom drove) et nous went to rendez-vous avec the others. Is très intéressant. Nous aussi saw museums et le Planétarium. Je had a great time! Apres nous were done, Alix’s parents drove us back. Nous dropped Alix off at the cirque et she meet up avec Alice, Morgen, et Thèo. Je wished je could have gone, mais je didn’t have permission at the time. Nous drove past another cirque et nous saw the lions in the cages!!

Je suis à la maison maintenant. Demain je pense que je vais à la plage avec ma host mother. It will be froid mais je want to go! Je vais to try to learn plus mots français.

Talk to you later!



It’s super last so this blog entry is going to be in english because it’s easier to type fast. So At school today I went across the street with my friends and saw the “setting up” process of a circus. There were llamas, camels, horses, Shetland ponies, and monkeys. We asked one of the guys who was working there if we could pet the animals and he said yes, but only certain ones. I pet a llama, the Shetland ponies, the horse (before he told us not to), and a monkey. I’ve always wanted a little monkey and getting to pet one today was really cool!! After we got back to school, and after History class, I went to Science class. I went to listen to the words, it was a different Science then the other day so I didn’t have a book, which means…no homework!!! (: Anyway, school was good today and tomorrow I’m going show shopping and on a “field trip” with my French class to Rennes. (the city) We are going to go to museums and stuff. I really want to go to the circus tomorrow but I don’t think I will be back in time. I guess seeing the animals today was good enough. Marine told me that we would go to a huge circus instead of the little one. I am really excited to learn about the museums tomorrow with my French friends! It’s going to be really cool!! I’ll let you know the details tomorrow. Talk to you later!


Why the ABC’s

Ce matin je was sitting in the “lounge” room avec Alix, Alice, Wonton, et some other people. Ma Disneyland Luggage tag on ma sac struck up a conversation avec Wonton. Too bad je ne comprends pas beaucoup de français o that would have been a très bon conversation!!
Donc, à l’école aujourd’hui je went à maths class to hear it. Pourqui est le ABC’s involved in Maths?? That makes it très difficile!!!

Apres je was à la maison pour a few minutes, ma LC came over to talk to ma host family et moi. Elle a parlé avec moi about how je suis adjusting ici. It was a trè bon conversation.

Maitenant, je suis skyping avec ma soeur, Emily, et getting ready pour le lit. Talk to you later!


Short day

Aujourd’hui was a short jour a l’école, nous got out at 12:25 instead of 5. Maintenant, je suis à la maison écouter de la musique et painting my nails while Marine does some work. L’école was bon audourd’hui, j’ai eu Historie, something about Europe, Science, et Anglais (which je suis going to this semaine then possibly going to drop next semaine) Je really want to keep one Anglais class parce que je really love the ma professeur’s British accent!!! Il aussi asks for my pronunciation and spelling in some words. Je told some of my friends that je will aider them en Anglais if they aider moi en Français. Team Work!!

Anyway, je suis going to just hang out for maintenant…more later.


Last night and today

So last night my internet was being weird so I couldn’t get online to post my blog. So real fast I’m going to tell you what happened yesterday (without French this time) So yesterday, on the way to school I saw a deer while I was on the bus. It ran out in front of the bus then onto the grass. At school, I talked with my main teacher about changing my classes and he said wait a week and if you don’t like the classes you can drop them. (I’m just going to go to them) THen after school, Viva and I went into the principal’s office to talk about classes. He said just go and listen to the French and don’t worry about texting. That’s good!! We also met this Australian guy called Pierce.

Aujourd’hui, je went to lécole. Ma classes were bon! Je saw the green-eyed guy again today and for the second time found out his name but can’t remember it. It rhymes avec wonton, so that’s the nickname for him. J’ai alle tous ma classes et thankfully demain is a half-day!!! Maybe I can hang with a friend…?? Anyway, maintenant je suis going downstairs to see if je can aide avec anything et to see what is pour l’dîner.

More later!


PS. ma ami was teaching moi un peu de Français à break. Maintenant, je sais how to say, “are you having a party?” “Can I come?” “Do you know the [french kiss]” and “Can you teach it to me?” Mes amis are too funny!!!

(don’t worry, I most likely won’t use these sentences!!!) (:

Who did you sleep with last night? ;)

Last night, je suis allé avec ma host parents to a cousins house for dinner. Ils ont deux enfants, Morgan (boy) and Ambre (girl). Je played avec Ambre for a while while les adultes were talking et puis nous  joined les adultes pour un petit snack (pretzels, chips…) Apres snacks, driving to their new maison to look at it, et regarder Les Simpson avec Morgan et Ambre, nous all fell asleep. Morgan et Ambre  dans le lit Morgan, et moi on the floor. Je was awaken et par le temps je got à la maison et went to bed, it was 2:30am. Je slept from 2:30am till 11am avec Calinou. Il was moving around all night, je ended up on the other side of le lit parce que le  was on my side. Il marchait over moi et around moi. Il est still mignon!!!! Il lifts one paw up for je can pick him up et them, il purrs as je pet him. AWWW

Donc, l’ecole est demain et je suis all ready, until tonight,

à plus tard!


OMG French boys!!!

Aujourd’hui à midi, je sat avec my classmates Carolin et Alix along with some of their friends. Within the people who sat avec us was a REALLY good-looking guy. He has vert eyes et such un mignon smile, avec dimples! AHH!!!

Il est beaucoup good-looking guys ici!!! Maintenant, je sais pourquoi je suis allé à une école de filles.

Je don’t really have anything else to say this time…so until tomorrow,

A Demain!



Ce matin je me suis levé at 6:30 apres going to bed past 11pm last night. Je me suis levé, got ready and walked to the bus stop (avec ma host mother) et it was FREEZING! Je got on le bus et went to l’école.

  • Premier AHHHH moment:

At first je thought je was lost because je didn’t recognize anything. Then j’ai marché along a route and found l’école. Je was right on temps!

  • Deuxième AHHHH moment:

Je still can’t comprendre everything mes professeurs say!  Je prends espagnol et mon professeur translated l’espagnol into français…Je can only comprendre ma anglais professeur.

  • Troisième AHHH moment:

So j’étais dans le bus apres l’école et je thought it was the rught one. Quand nous sommes arrivés à the last stop, le bus driver told me that this was his last stop. (en anglais parce que je ne comprends pas beaucoup) Je told him je was going to the Le Cleu stop and he, very kindly,  drove me there.

  • Quatrième AHHH moment:

Je n’ai pas mangé ce midi pasce que je parlais à Viva et le temps flew by. Maintenant, je suis hearing all these things about how je suis going to be malade. So je missed une meal, big deal!! je wasn’t hungry, je didn’t know if there was money on my lunch card, et je parlais à ma ami! CHILL OUT!!!!

  • Cinquième AHHH moment:

please, DON’T READ OVER MY SHOULDER!!! Je n’aime pas ça!

et don’t touch my hair, mais that’s a different story.

from “le difficile” one, more later.



Aujourd’hui was le premier jour de l’école. It’s très difficile parce que all mes classes are in Français, except une. My schedule is weird…here are mes classes each jour:

Ma classe favorite est Anglais parce que je can actually understand it and the teacher is cool. He has a normal France accent when he speaks Français, mais quand il parle en Anglais, il a un mignon British accent. Je wonder où il learned son Anglais…?

Je ne vais pas prendre des sciences ou de mathématiques this year so my schedule will be un peu lighter. Hopefully les devoirs load isn’t too bad

Maintenant to pick out my outfit pour demain!!!

More later!
