All posts by taraschnitzer

I am Tara Schnitzer and this blog is about my life. ENJOY!!

Fun with Viva!

Ce matin, Viva et moi sommes allés sur une promenade dans la rue. C’était une très jolie walk et nous avons tous deux pris beaucoup de photos. Après la promenade, Marine picked us up à la maison et nous sommes allés à son match de tennis. Après le match, mes parents d’accueil drove Viva et moi à la maison et nous avons regardé un film dans ma chambre. Sœur d’accueil Viva est venu à about 17h10 et nous n’avons donc pas finir le film. Une autre fois!

Donc, maintenant je me prépare pour le lit. Bonne nuit!



So today I met Viva at the metro station and we went to this flower garden. It was really pretty and full of beautiful flowers. After, we came back to the house talked to Marine for a little bit, and had dinner. Now we are watching Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging, one of my favorite movies!!! After, Viva is going to read Breaking Dawn to me! YAY, story time!!!

Tomorrow we are going on a walk and then to watch Marine’s tennis match! Should be fun!

OK, back to the movie! Bonne Nuit!



Yesterday was Friday and last night I went out with my host parents till 11pm so that’s why I didn’t write. Here is it now.

So yesterday morning started off with class elections for class president. Before we voted, there was a vote to see if the exchange students should vote. Out of 19 students who voted, 2 said no. But since 17 said yes, I voted for the class president. There is one boy and one girl as president. Brackets is the guy and Mélodie is the girl. (that’s who I voted for so I’m happy)

The teacher for my English class was not there so the class waited 34 minutes and finally another English teacher came and taught the class in French…okay then.

Last night I went to a tennis match in Rennes with my host parents. It was 3 hours long…Before we took our seats, a man walked passed me. I noticed his belt, Hermes. NICE!! Anyway, when the match began, I was voting for the guy who I felt like. The first one I voted for the non-French one because he had the BEST “tennis grunt” ever!! It was like a wine after he hit the ball. SO FUNNY!!! The next game, I voted for the French guy because…the other guy wasn’t good looking.

So Viva is coming over today!!!!! SLEEPOVER!!! I’m so excited!!!

OK, I’ve got to get ready ttyl!



English because I don’t want the internet to go out without this finished and I can type faster this way.

So today, my day started off with 2 hours of History/Geography. After that it was more classes and in English I was asked to say the cuss words out loud that I know in French. I have never been asked to do that in a class…weird. Anyway, After that it was lunch! I ate with Viva and Pierce and we talked about weekend plans. Pierce might hang out with Viva and me next weekend!

Nothing too interesting to talk about today so I will make this one short and sweet, like me! (:

More later!



Yesterday the internet was really slow so I couldn’t post. Here is it now though.

So yesterday I realized that my thoughts now are in French. When I play Solitaire or think of numbers, they are thought of in French. COOL!!! So I wore a dress and my new heels yesterday and as I was walking to the court yard, everyone was looking at me. I went over and asked Viva if there was something on me or something and she told me that it was just how I looked.

After school, my LC picked me up and took me to get food. We talked for about 2 hours about how things are going. She dropped me off at my house and then Marine and I did a face mask. I took a picture of the two of us and we laughed. After that, marine and I went shopping. She is getting a bunny so we went to the pet shop to look for a little house for it. Turns out they sell chinchillas, ferrets, and squirrels. AWSOME!!! After the pet shop, we went to the mall and got a bag of candy. (that still isn’t finished) It was fun!!

I am going to end this entry and post today’s.



In last night’s blog, I called it “I’m brave” but I forgot to say why. Yesterday morning I got up, ate breakfast, and walked to the bus stop…alone. While I was in the garage, I saw a HUGE spider. Thankfully, I was brave enough to push the garage door button and get out.

Alors, aujourd’ hui je me suis réveillé une heure de retard. J’ai turned off mon alarm à 6h30 et actually for out du lit à 07h25. Luckily, il était de cinq minutes avant j’ai uaually de quitter la maison. Je got ready speedy quick et couru downstairs à manger. À l’école, je started off avec free time parce que je ne vais pas à l’espagnol. Je only had trois classes aujourd’hui, science, maths, et français. J’ai aussi eu beaucoup de tempe libre!! J’ai parlé avec Viva, Kylian, Pierce, et autre amis pour a while.

J’étais en retard pour les maths parce que je didn’t know where to go. Quand je suis entré dans la salle, tous les yeux were on moi.

Bed time!

Bonne buit,


I’m BRAVE!!!

I was watching TV with my host mother so that’s why this entry is in English, it’s late. So in SES today, the teacher didn’t see this one guy come in the room so when she asked him to read something she said, “Êtes-vous venu par la fenêtre?” It was really funny because I understood it.

I got this card today that is like a coupon for the cinema and Mc. Donalds…cool!

SO when I went to the mall with Viva and Zac, Viva and I got croissants and Zac got a “maxi pain au chocolat.” Viva asked what that sounded like and I said a maxi pad of chocolate. We went in a store to get somethings and Viva picked up a package of pads and said, “Zac, are you hungry?” We laughed so hard!!

I am so excited for the weekend, Viva is coming over!!!!!!

Today at break, I was talking to Viva and she said that she really likes the phrase deviated septum. I asked her what that was and she said iis is something with you nose that you need to get “fixted” when she said that we both started cracking up!!! You need to get your English “fixted”! lol

Fun Fact: My mommy’s birthday is tomorrow!!!!! YAY

Bed time, night!!


Aujourd’hui, ma host family et moi sommes allés à la maison de Marine’s soeur. Elle a trois enfants, deux garçons, et une fille. L’un des garçons est appelé Kylian et la fille est Maëlys. Elle est très mignon! La maison était agréable, le truc cool était ils ont du papier toilette rose.

Apres nous avons tous mangé, je vais allé avec ma host father, Marine’s brother-in-law, et Maëlys à un match de football. À la field, j’ai eu un bouteille de coca cola avec Maëlys. Nous avons marché around et a parlé en Français. Elle est huit ans, so son Français était facile à comprendre. Quand nous sommes arrivés, there were petit enfants sur la field. Apres le whistle was blown, les hommes came on the field. That’s more like it! Quand this homme found out que je suis américain, il il m’a demandé if je parle bien l’anglais. Um…YES!

Apres regarder le match un peu, nous sommes allés à la maison. À la maison, je suis allé roller avec Maëlys. C’était amusant!

Anyway, je pence que ma Français est getting mieux, maintenant mes listes sont en Français.

Mon objectif, à parler, lire et écrire en Français, est coming along!

Bed time!! Bonne nuit!


With Viva and Zac

Sadly, I waited too long to write…for those who can’t understand the French, this is for you…

This morning, I woke up at 9ish and got dressed and ate breakfast. I didn’t go riding with Marine, instead I stayed at the house and then went to the market with my host father. At about 1ish, my host father drove me to the bus stop so I could go to the Henri Freville Metro Station to meet Viva. At the metro station, I met Viva and about 15 minutes we met up with Zac. He wrote me last week and invited Viva and me to do something this weekend. So we went to the mall…of course! It was really fun seeing Zac…he is really funny! After the mall, I came back to the house. I missed my bus at the metro station so Viva and I waited 40 minutes for the next one. Thankfully there was a bus at the same time for her to get on. When I got to the bus stop I heard a honk, I turned around and saw my host father. I got in the car and listened to how it was bad that I was late and how time and dinner is very important. I understand that, but I missed the bus…

Anyway, after dinner, some friends of my host parents came over for coffee. They stayed for about 2 hours. I watched this circus show and kind of listened to the adult’s conversations.

Now, I am getting ready to go to bed. Tomorrow we are going to Marine’s sister’s house for her birthday, should be interesting.

More later!


ps. I went to Mc. D’s today because I wanted to see if it was like America…it’s not. It is fancy and the food isn’t as good. Live and learn!


English because it’s late…

Today I had a French test and an English test. Both went well and I’m excited to see my grades. Since it’s Friday, my free day, Viva and I spent a lot of time in Perm. It is a room where you go to do homework. We passed notes and talked about tomorrow. Tomorrow, we are going to meet up at the metro station then we are going to meet up with Zac. It is going to be so fun hanging with them, I’m so excited!

I was offered to go horse-back riding with Marine tomorrow morning, but i said no thank you because I am scared of falling off again. I think not riding will be better for me.

It’s bed time now so ttyl!
