Third week of school…

My friend, Emily, told me something either last week or two weeks ago that I just realized today. It doesn’t matter how you look as long as you feel good. Example, I wore my Sri Lanka pants and a tank top today because it’s comfortable and at this moment, I am only focusing on looking  good for myself. I felt good and in my opinion, looked pretty cute.

My weekend consisted of the normal things, homework, friends, and of course, Disneyland, twice! Since it was Labor Day yesterday (Monday), there was no school. So what did I do? Well, after I finished my homework, I went to Disneyland with my friend and his friends/sister. It was great, as always. That was the second time this weekend I went, I’m so lucky! Yesterday was also the day that paid off my pass, which means I now go for free. hehe

I am going on the 18th for Dapper Day. An event Disney hold twice a year where 20,000+ people dress up in fancy clothes and go to Disneyland. There is also a separate event at the Disneyland Hotel which will have shopping and other stuff. I am still in between two outfits at this point. My options are Minnie Mouse (black/white polka dot dress with a red/white polka dot hair bow, and black boots) or Belle (blue dress with tiara, and black boots). Pictures below, shoes not shown.

Which is your favorite? 🙂



Minnie Mouse                     Belle

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Outfits for show

Since I am going into Fashion, I thought I would share some of my outfits with you all. I will start doing Disney outfits again as well as some random things, like I did for today. Which one is your favorite? What character(s) should I do next?

I love dressing up, it makes me feel happy. Some are my own personal ideas, while others are from Pinterest. I just use what I have in my closet and hope it works out.

Here are some picture of my resent outfits. Some casual and some a little more detailed.

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Almost did it!

Today is a lazy day; I woke up late, started my homework, washed the dishes, and did the laundry. It was all going well until laundry time…

All the clothes were in the machine, whites and darks were separate.  I was feeling really good and happy for myself. After the time was up, I opened the machine and started putting the wet clothes in the dryer. For some reason, I looked up at the directions on the washing machine and realized something…I forgot to add the soap. Sorry, Mommy. Take two!



PS. remember when I “killed” the spider with my vacuum? Yeah, it’s not dead. It’s crawling around in the vacuum. I was going empty it today, then I thought, “mmm, better not.” I’ll wait till I have a brave friend over. 🙂

Full-Time Student

I am officially a full-time student: I have five classes! I am now taking the Oceanography Lab. I went to the class today and we played with Emerita Analoga (sand crabs in English). The point of this experiment was for each group to collect the weight and length of ten sand crabs. Because we are the coolest, my group decided to name our crabs. Here is what we came up with: Katniss (she went first), Tom, Jerry, Mama (the biggest), Kyle Jr., Roger, Felicia, Kyle Sr., Spongebob, and Olaf. The sizes ranged from 10.25mm-17mm and 0.13g-0.52g for weight. I like the class so far because it is fun and interesting. Today, we also had a quiz on the syllabus. One of the questions was “What is the professor’s name?’ I got that one right!

I was looking at the class on the school website and saw something about fish dissection…WHAT!? I can’t even handle fish on a dinner plate if the head is still on. How am I going to dissect one?? Hopefully it’s a group thing and I can be the designated journalist.

Anyway, tomorrow I have Human Development and then DISNEYLAND!! So excited. I just haven’t picked an outfit yet…but have no fear, I got this!!


This is my drawing of Emerita Analoga.  Yes, it was part of the assignment; no, I am not an art major.


Anyone Else?

I don’t know if it’s just me or if all girls have these problems. If you do, please let me know so I know I am not the only one.

Is it the water? The temperature? The brush? No matter what I do, I ALWAYS lose hair in the shower. Tonight, I finished my shower and pulled out about a pound of hair from my brush (HUGE exaggeration, thankfully!) I bet if I saved all the hair I lose in the shower, I could make a sweater. Sounds gross, but it’s probably true. Since I throw away the tangled mess, a hair sweater is not in my future.

Speaking of tangles, I have tried many different types/brands of hair product for curly hair. My favorite two leave-in creams are Pantene Milky Damage Repair Oil Replacement and Garnier Ultra DOUX Intense Nutrition Cream Leave-In with Avocado Oil and Shea Butter.  These make my ringlets look really nice and they both smell amazing.

As for in-shower product, my favorite changes a lot. I think it depends on the place I live and the ease of access. For example, In Abu Dhabi, I used something I can’t get here in California. It is the Garnier Ultra DEUX Avocado Oil and Shea Butter Shampoo and Conditioner. It is a European brand, so the US does not carry it. It made my hair so soft at the time and now I only have the travel sizes I took to Canada, which are almost empty. (I am saving them for my next trip)

Now, in California, I have yet to find a good shampoo/conditioner for curly hair that I like. Any recommendations?

Until then, I will use what I have and make do!



New Classes, New Friends, and New Adventures

My schedule is pretty straight forward. I end everyday between 11am and 12:45pm. I have Tap on Mondays and Wednesdays, English and Oceanography on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Human Development on Fridays. I have made friends in Tap and acquaintances  in Oceanography. I also made a friend from a friend of my parents. I met him today and we went to lunch down in Balboa on the water. It was so nice! Because we can, we are going to Disneyland on Friday! (after class of course)

I am really liking OCC and I hope some of these people will be added to my “forever friends” list.

Aside from the “New,” I went to dinner last night at the house of one of my old babysitters. It was so great to see her again and to finally meet her two adorable kids. Hopefully I will be able to see them all again soon.

As for future news, tomorrow I am going to buy a printer so I can turn in work that is actually legible. hehe

