I am officially a full-time student: I have five classes! I am now taking the Oceanography Lab. I went to the class today and we played with Emerita Analoga (sand crabs in English). The point of this experiment was for each group to collect the weight and length of ten sand crabs. Because we are the coolest, my group decided to name our crabs. Here is what we came up with: Katniss (she went first), Tom, Jerry, Mama (the biggest), Kyle Jr., Roger, Felicia, Kyle Sr., Spongebob, and Olaf. The sizes ranged from 10.25mm-17mm and 0.13g-0.52g for weight. I like the class so far because it is fun and interesting. Today, we also had a quiz on the syllabus. One of the questions was “What is the professor’s name?’ I got that one right!
I was looking at the class on the school website and saw something about fish dissection…WHAT!? I can’t even handle fish on a dinner plate if the head is still on. How am I going to dissect one?? Hopefully it’s a group thing and I can be the designated journalist.
Anyway, tomorrow I have Human Development and then DISNEYLAND!! So excited. I just haven’t picked an outfit yet…but have no fear, I got this!!
This is my drawing of Emerita Analoga. Yes, it was part of the assignment; no, I am not an art major.