Anyone Else?

I don’t know if it’s just me or if all girls have these problems. If you do, please let me know so I know I am not the only one.

Is it the water? The temperature? The brush? No matter what I do, I ALWAYS lose hair in the shower. Tonight, I finished my shower and pulled out about a pound of hair from my brush (HUGE exaggeration, thankfully!) I bet if I saved all the hair I lose in the shower, I could make a sweater. Sounds gross, but it’s probably true. Since I throw away the tangled mess, a hair sweater is not in my future.

Speaking of tangles, I have tried many different types/brands of hair product for curly hair. My favorite two leave-in creams are Pantene Milky Damage Repair Oil Replacement and Garnier Ultra DOUX Intense Nutrition Cream Leave-In with Avocado Oil and Shea Butter.  These make my ringlets look really nice and they both smell amazing.

As for in-shower product, my favorite changes a lot. I think it depends on the place I live and the ease of access. For example, In Abu Dhabi, I used something I can’t get here in California. It is the Garnier Ultra DEUX Avocado Oil and Shea Butter Shampoo and Conditioner. It is a European brand, so the US does not carry it. It made my hair so soft at the time and now I only have the travel sizes I took to Canada, which are almost empty. (I am saving them for my next trip)

Now, in California, I have yet to find a good shampoo/conditioner for curly hair that I like. Any recommendations?

Until then, I will use what I have and make do!



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