Ice skating

Yesterday afternoon, Marine came to pick me up. We were going ice skating!! We stopped for gas and Marine asked me if I wanted to do it. I told her I didn’t know how, so she said she would show me. We got out of the car, she pushed some buttons, and I put the pump in the car and waited till it clicked. After that, we went to the rink. It was really fun!!! After we skated, we went to pick up a carpet that Marine bought. On the way to get it, Marine asked me if I knew how to write a check and if i could weite hers. I accepted and wrote her check. I felt very accomplished after putting gas in the car and writing the check. Once we got the carpet, we went to her flat to see her new bunny. He is sooo cute!!! He is white and so soft. He doesn’t have a name yet though. I said Bugs, but I was the only one who liked that one.

Last night, Marine’s great aunt and uncle came over for dinner and stayed the night. They are really nice and it’s cool to listen to the conversations.

Now, I am going to write tonight’s blog.


IT’S [was] FRIDAY, FRIDAY!!!!!

Yesterday was a good day. It started off with French class. Note taking to be exact. I was trying to keep up with what the teacher was saying and he came over and looked at my paper. He patted me on the arm and said, “It’s not easy to keep up.” TRUE DAT!! After that I would have had my normal 2 hours of free time with Viva, but instead we went to a Math class that her Math teacher set up. It was me, Viva, and Elle, the Australian. It wasn’t English, it was just slow and started from the beginning. We went over numbers 1-99 in French and then did the times table and some equations. All in French so we could know how to say the numbers and the words plus, minus, equal… It was an hour long so after that Viva and I still had an hour and 40 min for lunch and free time. We ate our lunch and then went into the “lounge” and she finished a drawing she drew of me. It is so AMAZING!! Looks just like me! (pic coming) We had an English test today, again, and it was in French and we had to translate it into English. I did most of it and the words I didn’t know, I underlined and my teacher told me what they meant. Thanks!!

Today I am going ice skating with Marine! I’m really excited!!! We were going to buy her rabbit today, but apparently she already bought it…I was really looking forward to that. Oh well…ice skating will be fun.



How was your day?


This morning, in French class, we watched a video and it had english subtitles. My teacher looked at me and smiled. In English class, I read a paragraph, IN FRENCH, OUT LOUD. YAY ME!!! So in Math, everyone was studying for the Science test…they told me to go to the “quiet room” when they went to SES. So I did. I was in the “quiet room” with Viva for an hour. She is drawing a portrait of me. It looks pretty good so far. Apparently I have easy cheeks to draw. I’ve never been told that before.

After school, my host parents picked me up and I was greeted with a croissant. YUM!! I ate the croissant and an apple in the car as we drove. They bought a new car today so I went with. It’s a Dodge. After that, we went to my host father’s mother’s house for dinner. I had this really good beef with carrots, potatoes, and peas. It was very tasty! We also had soup. I don’t understand the soup spoon. Apparently you have to use it or it’s offensive, I found that out the hard way. It’s just too big for my mouth. lol

OK, bed time! BONNE NUIT!!


Fashion Show

Ce matin, mon premier cours était géographie. Les autres élèves ont passé un test, mais pour some raison, le professeur never gives moi une. Peut-être que c’est une bonne chose, je ne sais pas. Donc, pour l’heure, j’ai used mon petit dictionnaire pour apprendre de nouveaux mots. Après, j’ai eu une heure de temps libre, comme je usually do le mercredi. Ensuite, il était temps de la science. Comme it was une longue journée, nous avons déjeuné après la science. Sadly, je n’ai pas l’anglais aujourd’hui, je usually do, mais pas aujourd’hui. Après le déjeuner, j’ai eu Français pour deux heures, then deux heures de temps libre. During une heure, Viva et moi quizzed l’autre en français. La deuxième heure, nous sommes allés en ville et acheté des croissants. Then nous sommes allés à notourre arrêt de bus et a parlé while nous attendions the bell. Quand the bell rang, Viva got on her bus et je suis retourné sur le campus pour meet mon LC. Quand je suis arrivé, j’ai été arrêté et a demandé où j’étais … OH NON! Apparently, we are not allowed to go off campus during the school day. oops! Hopefully c’est ok demain.

Quand je suis arrivé à la maison, je suis allé dans ma chambre pour faire quelque chose. Après le dîner, mes parents d’accueil put on a little fashin show with their hats. I laughed really hard…with them, not at them!

Maintenant, je suis à regarder Drôles d’Animaux. Il est très drôle! If un lama spits sur vous, apparently vous spit back…hahaha!!!!

Ok, time for bed, Bonne Nuit!!



Last night I was having a conversation with my host parents at the dinner table for a while (in French) and then I came up stairs and talked to my sister because I haven’t talked to her in a while. When I looked at the clock, it was 10pm so it was too late to write. So here it is now.

Yesterday, I started off with free time so I went to the “quiet room” and read through my little dictionary adding new words to my notebook. After that, I went to Science, Math, and French Lit. In French Lit, I am reading a book called Le Petit Prince. It is kind of interesting, and kind of weird at the same time. During French Lit, there was an English class going on in the same room. Personally, not the best idea… because who was I listening to? The English teacher came over to me and asked me where I was from so I told her, Hawaii. She asked another question and then walked back over the her class.

On the bus yesterday it was really cold, inside and outside, so I was getting into the holiday season. I listened to a Christmas song on the bus and then a Holiday album when I got home. Since there is no Halloween or Thanksgiving here, Christmas is what I am looking forward to.

At the dinner table last night I talked a lot with my host parents, in French. They are happy that I am finally talking French with them! I showed then Hawaii on a map and told them all the places I have traveled to. It was fun. I also found out there is an ice skating place here, weekend plans?

After dinner, I came up to my room and talked with my sister for a little bit. Now we only talk once a week or so, so it was good to talk to her last night.

Today is Wednesday, half day right?? NO! For this one week, we have class all day on Wednesday. Since vacation is in like 9 days we have to learn the things we are going to miss.

OK, time to get ready for school. More tonight!





I was told today not to write something in my blog. My blog is my own personal thoughts and experiences. Don’t tell me not to write something! I don’t use actual names, so no one even knows who I talk about anyway. Plus everything I say is good, I compliment, not criticize. If I want to write something I will. This is where I can write the feelings I don’t mind people reading. If you don’t like it, don’t read it! This person said, “don’t talk about us in your blog” (no please no thank you) Who is us? You don’t know who I write about. I don’t write about the people you are thinking of. Just for the record, if I’m told not to do something, I’ll do it! (within reason) Why are you reading my blog anyway? What do you care?

Sorry, I had to get that out in the open. Anyway, I was practicing my French with some online videos so that’s why this is in English.

So today, I had an English text. It was all in French and I got one right! When the teacher was passing them back after he graded them, he came to me and said, “It’s not fair to give you a grade, so I won’t.” THANKS! After English, I had 3 hours of French…ugh!!! I can’t sit for that long!!!!

I found out today that for the next 2 Wednesdays, we have a full day of class. This is because they want to teach us the things we will miss during vacation, which is in 10 days!!!

I realized yesterday that I have not gone 24 hours this week without seeing Viva since she slept over, that’s some real bonding time!

Next weekend, I am going with Marine to buy her rabbit, I am really excited to see it and maybe help her pick out a name for it. I love animals!!!

Ok, time for bed, bonne nuit!


Fun with Viva!

Ce matin, Viva et moi sommes allés sur une promenade dans la rue. C’était une très jolie walk et nous avons tous deux pris beaucoup de photos. Après la promenade, Marine picked us up à la maison et nous sommes allés à son match de tennis. Après le match, mes parents d’accueil drove Viva et moi à la maison et nous avons regardé un film dans ma chambre. Sœur d’accueil Viva est venu à about 17h10 et nous n’avons donc pas finir le film. Une autre fois!

Donc, maintenant je me prépare pour le lit. Bonne nuit!



So today I met Viva at the metro station and we went to this flower garden. It was really pretty and full of beautiful flowers. After, we came back to the house talked to Marine for a little bit, and had dinner. Now we are watching Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging, one of my favorite movies!!! After, Viva is going to read Breaking Dawn to me! YAY, story time!!!

Tomorrow we are going on a walk and then to watch Marine’s tennis match! Should be fun!

OK, back to the movie! Bonne Nuit!



Yesterday was Friday and last night I went out with my host parents till 11pm so that’s why I didn’t write. Here is it now.

So yesterday morning started off with class elections for class president. Before we voted, there was a vote to see if the exchange students should vote. Out of 19 students who voted, 2 said no. But since 17 said yes, I voted for the class president. There is one boy and one girl as president. Brackets is the guy and Mélodie is the girl. (that’s who I voted for so I’m happy)

The teacher for my English class was not there so the class waited 34 minutes and finally another English teacher came and taught the class in French…okay then.

Last night I went to a tennis match in Rennes with my host parents. It was 3 hours long…Before we took our seats, a man walked passed me. I noticed his belt, Hermes. NICE!! Anyway, when the match began, I was voting for the guy who I felt like. The first one I voted for the non-French one because he had the BEST “tennis grunt” ever!! It was like a wine after he hit the ball. SO FUNNY!!! The next game, I voted for the French guy because…the other guy wasn’t good looking.

So Viva is coming over today!!!!! SLEEPOVER!!! I’m so excited!!!

OK, I’ve got to get ready ttyl!



English because I don’t want the internet to go out without this finished and I can type faster this way.

So today, my day started off with 2 hours of History/Geography. After that it was more classes and in English I was asked to say the cuss words out loud that I know in French. I have never been asked to do that in a class…weird. Anyway, After that it was lunch! I ate with Viva and Pierce and we talked about weekend plans. Pierce might hang out with Viva and me next weekend!

Nothing too interesting to talk about today so I will make this one short and sweet, like me! (:

More later!
