What goes down, must come up!

Real, quickly, back to yesterday. At the people’s maison where je went avec ma host parents, they were talking about the weather and how je only have thin jackets. Before je knew it, the lady was standing behind me with a white coat. Long story short, je came back to the maison avec a nice warm coat pour l’hiver.

Cet après-midi, je went faire du velo avec Arlette. (ma host mother) It was tres bon! It started out downhill which meant one thing…it was uphill on the way back. Even though it was hard, it was fun!

Pour le dîner, nous had pâtes avec tuna. Pour dessert, riz et lait!! It was so good, je actually was in the “clean plate club” tonight!

A demain, Marine, Olivier, et je might go riding (horse-back), so that’s exciting! L’école starts on mercredi, so je suis getting ready pour that. Exciting!!!

Maintenant, je suis going to bed…with a friend??? Calinou came to visit me, good kitty!!!

Bonne nuit!
